


Lessons from the CrowdStrike Incident

In the early morning of July 19th, 2024, CrowdStrike released a security content update that caused an estimated 8.5 million Windows-based workstations and servers to simultaneously bluescreen and shut down. Though the defective update hit less than 1% of Windows devices, the damaging effects rippled through several industries...

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Savvy VMware Clients are Seamlessly Migrating to Citrix with Envision IT

How Envision IT (Envision) and Citrix are helping remove barriers and burden of a migration and why so many clients are making the move.

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Citrix Virtual Apps Essentials End of Life

Citrix announced the discontinuation of its Virtual Apps Essentials offering with the complete shutdown of the service by May 31, 2024.

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Cyber Security Awareness Month 2023: Secure Our World and Stay Safe Online

Discover the significance of Cyber Security Awareness Month 2023 and the 'Secure Our World' initiative. Learn how to stay safe online with four essential actions, from strong passwords to recognizing phishing attempts. As IT professionals, let's champion cybersecurity awareness and build a safer digital world together.

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LastPass Security Incident and Recommendations

LastPass sent out a communication to their customers indicating they had detected “unusual activity” within their environment. What actions you should take now depends on your situation.

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Desktop as a Service: Compatibility

DaaS and its capabilities fill a need in the American workplace more than ever and it is not as complicated nor as expensive as it was once thought to be.

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Desktop as a Service: Cost Savings

DaaS gives organizations extra automation and flexibility which in turn can lead to potential cost savings.

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Strategic IT Partnering for Today's Cyber Threats

Every year we see an increase in cyber security incidents, but in the past few years we’ve seen these numbers increase exponentially. So the question is, how are organizations keeping up with cyber security?

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Desktop as a Service: Scalability

Companies can rapidly spin up apps and desktops based on their specific business needs without having to add the cost of additional infrastructure.

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Desktop as a Service: Management

Employees are working with devices that evolve over time. If your organization is exploring DaaS, you should consider its many benefits, including Management.

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Desktop as a Service: Business Continuity

DaaS provides a simpler way to support disaster recovery and business continuity plans.

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Desktop as a Service: Security

Data theft or destruction, ransomware attacks, hacking, phishing, and denial of service attacks are all threats that organizations are fighting against at any time. DaaS provides users with a secure access point and enhances data security.

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Desktop as a Service: Flexibility

The nature of work is, to say the least, evolving. One of the primary lessons from the pandemic regarding worker attitudes is that people want more flexibility to work from anywhere on any device.

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Diving into 7 Benefits of Desktop as a Service

Market forces and changing attitudes about the nature of work are driving organizations to look more closely at IT options that provide flexibility, security, and a host of other benefits designed to keep their enterprises competitive.

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Preventing Cyberattacks Requires Vigilance

There are a variety of cyberattacks that can cause business disruption, but ransomware is still the most worrisome because these attacks increasingly occur at smaller business organizations.

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Feeling the Burnout: How to Keep Your IT Staff Mentally Fresh

With the variety of malware, ransomware, and other cyberattacks coming at us left and right, the risk of information technology staff burnout is rising by the day.

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Remote Connectivity

With the nature of work evolving (in-office, remote, hybrid, fractionalized, out-sourced, etc.) many companies now know that the need to manage and secure their networks must evolve as well.

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Improving Your Organization's Security Posture

Improving your organization’s security posture to prevent, prepare for, or minimize the effect of a security breach requires a layered approach with a particular focus on five essential areas.

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Envision First in the World to Achieve Citrix Ready Cloud Services Program

Citrix recognized Envision’s achievement of being the first in the world to earn the Citrix Ready Cloud Services Program for Azure, Google Cloud, and AWS!

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Positive Takeaways from the Pandemic

If you’re looking for reasons to be optimistic about the post-pandemic world of work, consider this: For years, Gallup has shared research that remote work promotes employee engagement and engaged employees are more productive.

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Featured: Supporting Employee Well-being New Citrix Workspace Microapps

People are the source of everything. Fostering a conscious culture and a culture of belonging empowers employees to celebrate and value small wins. And expressing gratitude is mutually beneficial.

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Cybersecurity Threats on the Rise

We often hear about the big business breaches in the news, but small and medium sized businesses are not out of the woods.

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Password Management

Passwords are synonymous with security; managing these digital keys has become exponentially difficult and insecure. Let's discuss keeping track of them, how to manage them, and some ways threat actors use a stolen password to take over other accounts.

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Important Cybersecurity News: FireEye and SolarWinds Breaches, December 2020

There have been two major security events in the past week that we wanted to share information on to help answer questions you may have. As always, please do not hesitate to reach out for further discussions around these events and how you can take measures to protect your users and systems.

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Data Ownership

Who owns all of the 1's and 0's whizzing in your network or across the internet?

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What is Light and Dark Data?

How well do you know your business data - is it being used to make decisions or just kept in a forgotten corner of your network?

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Longer-term effects of COVID on Business

Amidst the pandemic, The Enterprise Strategy Group conducted an in-depth survey of North American IT decision-makers and over a thousand corporate knowledge workers to understand the present and future of the dynamic situation and the world of work. Results of this study prove out that the constant dialogue that Citrix and Envision maintain with their clients and prospects is indeed keeping them in-tune with the market needs and wisely positioned to address the demand.

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Remote Code Execution Vulnerabilities

In the security news lately we've been reading about and dealing with some very serious Remote Code Execution Vulnerabilities. So why are these so serious, how do they continue to show up and what can we do to stop them?

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Envision Recognized as Citrix's First Customer Success and Adoption Preferred Partner

Recently Citrix selected a few trusted partners to begin a rigorous training plan and pilot efforts intended to shift this role to the partner. Envision is honored to be among that select group of partners.

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The Future of Work, Post Covid-19

From its inception, Envision IT has sought to bridge the gap between technology and humanity — a mission its leaders acknowledge will only become more essential in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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A new way to make work less work

As consumers, we live in a digitally connected world, where we have every device, app and bit of information we need at our fingertips. The same should be true at work. However, research shows us that employee engagement is impeded by a digital experience that is far from smooth.

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Looking Beyond the Pandemic

Employers that hadn't answered the call pre-Coronavirus to prioritize employee engagement by extending flexible workstyles, have now been forcibly thrust into the world of remote work. We think some businesses will emerge better than ever, and with them will be an engaged workforce.

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Microsoft Lends a Helping Hand to Businesses during Uncertain Times

Microsoft looked to their vast partner network for expertise to include in a Survival Guide for small and medium-size businesses amid COVID-19. The tech giant tapped Envision for insights from a conscious business.

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Make your digital workspace work better - for everyone

Key considerations for delivering secure, unparalleled remote access.

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Mitigate threats with a secure digital workspace

Build a strategic approach to network and app security.

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Unlock opportunity with a new security approach

A secure digital workspace is the answer. Quite simply, it's a contextual, integrated way to deliver and manage the apps, desktops, data, and devices your users need to be productive.

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7 best practices to securely deploy enterprise-grade apps

Companies like yours are doing everything they can to take advantage of mobility.

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Is it time for a secure digital workspace?

There was a time when traditional workspaces simplified the ways we worked. But as mobile devices, BYOD, and new cloud architectures have become more prevalent, IT is experiencing greater complexity, organizations are opening themselves up to security risks, and employees are wanting better mobile experiences.

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Work used to be a place. Not anymore.

Today, work is an increasingly dynamic activity that people expect to be as adaptable as they are. We've traded in the traditional cubicles and desktops for virtual meetings and mobile devices.

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Envision IT Hosts Enriching Workshop Series

Envision IT Hosts Enriching Workshop Series: Enhanced Security with Azure and Citrix

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Faxploit: Fax Machine Issues in 2018?

Recent research by Checkpoint has revealed some shocking issues with HP fax machines. This is another example why we have to pay special attention to what goes on our networks.

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Channelnomics event spotlighting successful MSPs

Envision IT one of four US MSPs offering guidance to companies in transition

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Envision IT Hosts Enriching 2 Day Workshop Series

Envision IT hosts workshop series in two cities in March 2018

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Envision IT Delivers Enriching Workshop Series

Envision IT hosted a Workshop Series in multiple cities throughout Wisconsin.

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8 Tips For Engaging Your Dial-In Meeting Attendees

We've all experienced it, the dial-in meeting where one person talks and everyone else is either too afraid or too distracted to chime in.

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Our Top 5 Productivity Apps of 2015

Many of us are addicted to our mobile devices. We take them everywhere with us, and with their increasing power and high speed internet capabilities, everyone has access to their very own personal assistant. From note-taking, to calendars, timers and to-do lists, mobile apps provide us free resources to improve our personal and professional productivity.

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A quick overview of Daylight Savings Time 2015

Daylight Savings Time 2015 - A quick overview of Daylight Savings Time

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Top Reasons To Use A Password Manager

Using a password manager is a great way to improve personal security while also easing the burden of the ever-increasing number of accounts we acquire. Password managers address several key points in password security:

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Top 8 Wisconsin Locations To Work Remotely

So, as we enjoy the most pleasant Wisconsin summer we've had in recent years, we wanted to pull together a few locations that make for a great remote workday away.

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Top 5 Curated Tips For Working Remotely

We took the best remote working tips from around the web and added our own tech twist.

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Mobility In The Outback & The Underground

This story of John Holland Group helps us put access and communication in perspective, taking us from the outskirts to the underground and back again.

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Global Distribution One Grape At A Time

When you have customers around the world, making decisions quickly - even the small ones - can dramatically impact product and service deliverables.

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Remote Access In Remote Places

Working remotely has become one of the largest trends in attracting and keeping talent in an organization. In some circumstances, like Wisconsin's winters, working remotely is a necessity.

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Forrester Whitepaper: Workforce Personas & Mobile App Gap

Marketers and human resource professionals use personas to personalize strategic initiatives - why don't technologist do the same? Forrester outlines how in this whitepaper.

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Case Study: Cloud for Identit-e

Identit-e provides organizations with an online verification service that dictates user eligibility requirements to ensure that products and services are only offered to qualifying consumers. In a growing digital world, Identit-e services are expanding into numerous industries, products and countries.

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The New Ransomware

Ransomware such as CryptoLocker has made the news and caused a lot of pain for many individuals and companies. Are you prepared for the next version of ransomware that has become more sophisticated and plans to go after your company's most important data?

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